Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Rocky Life

There are a couple of proverbs or adages I recall that could definitely apply to this time in my life.  One is that the Chinese word for "crisis" also means "opportunity."  The other is "may you live in interesting times."  I am not sure whether the second one was intended to be positive or threatening, but my times lately have certainly been interesting, and I would love to see crises transform to opportunities (which I believe they will do).

My firm decision during this time is to smile during the storm and thrill to the lightning and thunder.  One aspect of my life that makes it easy to smile and easy to keep going, keep working, keep accomplishing, and keep conquering in life is that of being in love.  I am very fortunate to have a Sweetheart who not only supports me in the rocky moments, but has real experience in so many of the challenges with which I currently deal.  I am grateful for someone who actually knows what he is talking about because he has been there already, and he has a few years of wisdom on me.  I am also grateful that I am able to be a good comfort and support to him as he is going through his own real trial right now.  We both decided that our outlook matters a lot to our lives, and we want to enjoy whatever we go through as long as we are together.

I love the following quote from Chinese philospher Lao Tsu:

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

That quote on love absolutely defines real love as I have experienced it in my life.  This week my Sweetheart will be facing some huge challenges, and I will be there for him to give him moral support, to aid him, to work with energies on his behalf, to sing to him (he loves when I sing to him).  He has seen me through some very tough times, taught me so many things that have made my life better in so many ways.  I welcome the chance to give back to him in this way.

I am beyond fortunate, beyond blessed.  I wish the same for those of you who strive to be true in your hearts, who strive to love others and treat people with respect, who guard yourselves against people who mean you no good.  Love is open and giving, but Love is also wise and protective.  Real love does not waste its time on allowing a bunch of constant irresponsible messiness to muck up its mission.