Wednesday, September 13, 2017

A Short Update

Round One of Healing Treatments 

was over on August 31.  I am on a break of sorts until after the 18th of September.  I am doing well, getting good reports back and getting good and useful feedback.  I like my care team very much.  They are trustworthy people, and that is a quality that in the larger world has been all too rare.  I am doing my work, my part of my healing -- every day.  One of my care team members tells me that is not something they see a lot with patients, so I am something of an anomaly -- a good anomaly.  She said a lot of people never do their part in their own healing; they want the easy way, which does not exist.

I was running some errands a couple weeks back and came across this lovely collection of flowers in  a sidewalk garden, so I thought I would share it.  Of course, I love that there is purple in it.

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